On 09/2021 was the kick-off conference for the Water Mining project. The project was initiated and will be coordinated by TU Delft. 38 partners from 12 countries will work on sustainable solutions for desalination and resource recovery from (waste)waters. Overall
Kaumera wins Aquatech Innovation Awards 2019
Kaumera Nereda® Gum won the Aquatech Innovation Awards 2019. The award win was announced on 4 November 2019 at the opening ceremony of the Amsterdam International Water Week and the Aquatech Amsterdam. For more information on Kaumera. This was by
Opening: Kaumera Installation Zutphen
On Wednesday, October 2, 2019, the world’s first Kaumera plant was opened. The Netherlands have the world first plant for the production of the biopolymer Kaumera Nereda® Gum. Kaumera Nereda® Gum is value raw product for the industry. At the
Kaumera on the Dutch Design Week 2018
The Energie- en Grondstoffenfabriek asked three Dutch designers, Nienke Hoogvliet, Billie van Katwijk and Jeroen Wand, to experiment with Kaumera. The water boards and the artists, working together in the Energy and Raw Materials Factory, want to draw attention to